I was able to bake a cake, and start decorating it. This is the St. Patrick's Day cake that Mrs. B asked me to make. I've made daffodils for it too! And they actually look acceptable! I did need a few more supplies, and (yippee!) Mom took me out to Michael's. We had to hurry home before another round of storms came in (good thing we did; there was hail).

I bought cake sparkles for Katie's birthday cake (5 days away), a cake box for the cupcakes (4 days away) and one for the St. Pat's cake (2 days away). I also bought a grass tip because, well, I didn't have one and will probably need it eventually. I was going to buy some yarn, but the big walls of yarn intimidated me at Michael's: so many choices!!!
Powdered sugar and cupcake liners were also on my list. Do you know how much powdered sugar I go through in this house? In the past week alone, I've used 3 pounds, and I still need four, maybe five or six pounds to tide me over until after Katie's birthday. We only have 2.5 pounds left and I just bought some!
The excitement of the Blog of Note has passed, and my daily visitors have decreased significantly (although I have more visits than I did before this crazy coolness). Now I'll have time to post more about past cakes because I won't be spending as much time reading the wonderful comments people have left and deleting spam- which is not wonderful (why does the Irish lottery... and the British lottery... keep spamming me? I live in the US!).
The time is getting late, and I need to head off to bed so I can wake refreshed and finish my to-do list for this weekend. I will post pictures of the St. Patrick's Day cake tomorrow before I box it up. Buenas Noches!
P.S. I decided to bake the cupcakes and Katie's cake later in the week so that they are fresher (instead of today or tomorrow, as I originally planned), but I might start with some details of the penguin cake tomorrow (towers, penguin figures, etc.). We will just have to see how it goes! I'll probably need more AP flour and unsalted butter first...
HAve fun decoratin sweetie. Wish I could get hold of those cake decorating tools like you do. I can't even get decent flowerpaste to make my flowers and most online cake dec companies don't deliver to croatia. Oh well.. I have to stick to chocolate for the time being.
OK, those dafodils are GREAT! I enjoy your blog lots! I made a simple, but very yummy cake this weekend, you can find it on my blog. With the toasted marshemellows, not much to decorate, but it was delicious! You could actually put astronauts or something on there and call it a moon cake I suppose?? Well, keep decorating and keep posting, I love it!
the grass tip is an awesome one to have. it does hair, makes great haystacks on cupcakes in the fall, and grass for easter basket cookies. i hope you'll post pics of all the wonderful things you're making and decorating.
Hi Kelsie,
I am one who found your blog from blogs of note and have continued coming back to see what you're working on. I love cooking and baking and have playfully dreamt about someday having my own bakery. Anyway, I use allrecipes.com almost daily for lots of recipes, but I found this one:
and I thought of you. I don't know if you can use it, and I don't know much about fondant icing, but I've heard it doesn't taste very good. This one is moldable and apparently tastes good, so perhaps you could try it out. You could do it with white chocolate too and just add coloring if you wanted other colors.
Thanks for the fun!
I just found your blog and really enjoy reading it. Those daffodils came out great! I added you to my favorite blog list so I can keep checking in- can't wait to see what you create next!
Hey Kelsie,
I just wanted to let you know that there may be more people reading than your hit meter will tell you. Like me for instance... I am subscribed to your blog and can read it from bloglines rather than going directly to your blog.
You are doing a great job! :)
decorations are great, I appreciate them very much!
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