How cool is this? I am a "Blog of Note!!!" I am shocked. But now I know why my inbox filled up with blog comments, I suppose.
Thank you to everyone who has left a comment. Your feedback is such a boost to my confidence, and I'm glad that blogger has allowed me to share my sugary, confectionery goodness with everyone! :)
Congrats on being a Blog of Note! Keep up the good work =)
That's how I found you!!
That's awesome.
These blogs give me the munchies.
You deserve every note - I'm going to send your link to my daughter - she's the baker in this household; I'm the eater.
Big Frank Dickinson
GREAT JOB, KELSIE!! And congrats on being "noteable."
keep it up
Great work,...it was good piece of info....All da best
photo news from macedonia! http://photomak.blogspot.com I want to be blog friends, my name is victor, you have excelent blog! Thanks!
Good for you!! Now I'm hungry!
Congrats on being a Blog of Note!!
Hope you don't mind I added you a link on my blog. I am just starting (well trying to start) a home based bakery. I sure do love to see the different things going on in the world. I also will be doing some cakes in the next few months, one is Pikachu and one is a sombrero, I like seeing what others come up with!
cool, good job :)
you deserve it....
I found you through the "Blogs of Note" too. You definitely have talent. My daughters LOVED the photos of your Webkinz cookies!
I have a cake decorating blog too. It's www.creativecakeworks.com, if you want to check it out.
Wow, what a great blog of note! Congrats! Loved the recipes!
I was trying to eat healthy, but your cookies look too good!!!
Wow talent for such a youngun...you are in my favs now. We made blogs of note a couple of weeks ago and it was as you say thrilling and a big boost of confidence.
Keep it coming I need ideas ;)
I found you on the Blogs of Note! I think that is VERY cool!
Your blog is beautiful! But I can't visit much more than once a week or so, because you are making me HUNGRY. I recently lost 30 lbs, can't risk it!!! :)
(j/k... I'll be back!)
Kelsie found your site under "Blogs of Note" late last night after posting a few images of my cake designs with a little back ground about myself and sounds like we have something in common!
Keep up the great work and practice, practice, practice! Off to the kitchen....another masterpiece to create!
Congratulations on being a blog of note!
Congrats on being blog of note. Keep going with the great cakes - I think they're amazing. I'm trying to get my three year old baking, have a look at her valentine biscuits on www.workingmumonverge.blogspot.com
All the best!
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