Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to Baking: Red Velvet

Gotta love those camera phone pictures!

It's been a long two weeks, guys. Right before I moved back down to school, I made a cookie cake, a dozen cupcakes, and a 50th birthday cake. (The pictures of which are all back in Georgia on my dad's camera. So hopefully he can e-mail them to me at some point, and I can share those mouth-watering photos with you!) And then... nothing.

I'd been so busy preparing for school and working with the campus ministry program that the oven stayed empty and the mixer silent.

But no longer!

I'm not sure if it was because everyone I saw on campus kept asking me when I was going make them a cake, or just because I was going through withdrawals after spending the entire summer eating, sleeping, and breathing cake, but I was going crazy. So yesterday I went grocery shopping and made my favorite red velvet recipe.

(Insert sigh of contentment.)

So I think the world is right again. I might not be up to my elbows in cupcakes and fondant and gumpaste 40 hours a week anymore (sad day!) but as long as I've got time to make some goodies for my friends and coworkers (and hellooooo, bake sales, anyone?!) I think I can survive the semester.

And on a side note, I freaking love these cupcake liners. They are too stinkin' cute!!


MzCosby09 said...

The liner are nice! I really like the cake stand you have them on. Really cute! I hope you enjoyed your CCs.

Kelsie said...

Thank you very much! :)

Send Gifts to India said...

good Job..:)