Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Katie's Spotlight

March 2002.

It's March, and as such, I am going to pay homage to my little sister, Katie. For some reason beyond my comprehension, my little sister is such a muse to me when I'm making a cake. For example, she inspired this beauty of 2008.

March 2008.

And last year I designed a cute little button-themed cake that I never got around to actually making. :( She did get a cake, so don't worry about that! She and her winterguard cohorts celebrated with a Publix cake that day. This year, I definitely plan on making her another fabulous cake, since I'll be home for spring break, but I'm digressing...

One of my favorite cakes ever was also inspired by and created for Katie:

March 2007.

Isn't it a beauty? All those different elements... the Royal Icing cauldron, the fondant leprechaun, the hard candy rainbow...

If you were wondering, yes, I did make that rainbow all by myself. I made & colored the hard candy all by myself, I melted it in the oven and made a rainbow shape and made a second one just in case this one broke... all on my own.

And let me tell you, it was a lot of work! But so, so worth it, right?

I can't take all of the credit either...

Little sisters aren't good for much... ;) But my little sis has the ability to push my skills and talents past the limit and help me grow as a person... or at least, a cake decorator.

So, Katie, this one's for you. For taking me out of my comfort zone and asking for the craziest, wildest cake ideas and believing that I'll actually be able to create them. Love ya, chica!


Akash said...

cool cakes!!! I like the castle one,its pretty epic.


Kelsie said...


hillary said...

That castle cake looks good. Seems like a good stepping stone for a Hogwarts castle cake. :D

Patty said...

Aww those are fantastic! I love the green one, great work!

Auckland apartment rental said...

I like the ❤ style,it's so cute and i think i will not to eat them,:D