Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What's Been Going On In My Kitchen Lately


Not much.

But in the future...

It'll be busy.

For example, the blood drive at my school is Thursday. Not only am I volunteering (not to give blood. I have tiny veins.), but I'm baking sugar cookies, and browies, and cupcakes if I have the time.

My brother has a project on Puerto Rico due in the middle of May. He's going to make a model of the territory... out of cake! How cool? And I'll be assisting. So I won't have to do all the hard stuff, I just tell him "use shredding coconut and green food coloring mixed together in a plastic bag for the grass" and "mold the mountains out of Rice Krispie Treats then cover them with fondant." It'll be fun! :)

More recently, next week is Career Day at the middle school, and I'm either making chocolate chip cookies or sugar cookies and I need to decide how much to charge some time within... the next 2 hours. So I should get to work on that...


Robin said...

H Kelsie, it's Robin. I've left a few comments on your blog before..I've tagged you on my blog. Take a look and see if you want to pass it on on yours..
Keep up the great baking! I still want to try making the lemon-lime ice box cookies!

Unknown said...

Kelsie, good luck on the project!
