Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Little Model

So I've been working on my modeling skills ever since I attempted to make this pregnant lady who looked like she was having triplets. I just couldn't get her proportions right. I'm not gonna say she was fat, but.... yeah, ok, my first gumpaste model was fat. And the second one I did was just a head and a torso. She didn't even have arms or anything, since she was chillin in a bath tub (more about that cake later!!!), so this little lady (she needs a name! Anyone?) is figure attempt #3, and I'm getting better!!!

It helps that I found a mold at Michaels for $5 (with coupon). I do need to practice some more. Somehow her boobs turned out tiny (and when I attempted to make them more proportionate, they ended up huge instead. Oh, well...) and she's got these ginormous man hands and arms. Plus her feet were 2 different sizes. So that's what I've got to work on for my next piece.
Oh, and I've read from multiple sources now that figures are best modeled out of fondant (one website said Satin Ice was the best. I've only ever used Wilton & Fondarific so I couldn't tell you if that's true or not!) which would explain a lot, since my gumpaste always starts to wrinkle and crack before I'm done with it.

So for the next figure I make, I'm going to use fondant (probably mixed with a little gumpaste or some tylose powder), and I'm going to try to make her look like me, crazy pink/blue/purple hair and all! :)


Lorraine of "This is Caleb..." said...

Great job!

Sweet Little Eunice said...

Your writing in this post is hysterical! I think you did a great job with the model, and, if you haven't yet decided on a name for her, may I respectfully submit the name "Annabelle?" :-)

Kelsie said...

Thanks, guys! I love the name Annabelle! Thanks for the suggestion! :)

MzCosby09 said...

I think it looks great too. For some odd reason I keep thinking of the name Katniss when I look at your model. LOL call me crazy I did just finish reading the Hunter Games series...LOL

Kelsie said...

I loved the Hunger Games! I'm looking forward to the movie next spring, too :)

Freight Audit said...

Nice model.. A very great job.. Keep it up.. Nice blog.

Kelsie said...

Thanks for the kind words! :)