Monday, July 6, 2009

Harry Potter Fest

Right now, I'm super stoked about the upcoming Harry Potter movie .

My friends and I are all planning to do see the midnight showing next Tuesday night.  Only nine days away!

You're probably wondering why I am sharing my extreme excitement on my blog.

Don't worry.  I have a reason.

I'm planning on making Harry Potter themed cupcakes (and possibly sugar cookies) for the big event.  (And when I say decorated cupcakes, I don't just mean putting a plastic ring with Harry's face on it like the grocery stores sometimes do. Not that I'm hating on grocery store cupcakes.  Just that I'm a little crazier. :-) ) I'm going to go all out with glitter and fondant and crazy colors and flavors.  It will be cupcaketastic and definitely epic.

So stay tuned for more of my Harry Potter/cupcake/baking adventures!  You'll also probably hear about my Threadcakes entry and a couple other contests I want to enter, but Harry Potter comes first.  I know, I probably sound like a crazy fangirl right now.

In the meantime, if you'd like to share any ideas you'd like to see manifested in my HP cupcakes, feel free to drop me a comment!

(poster image from )

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