Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Much time has passed since my last post, and I am sorry to report that there is nothing to report. No cakes, no cookies, no Valentine goodies, nothing, nada, squat.

That being said, I have no school this week. So, I should have some free time to make something beautiful and delicious. Like, chocolate chip cookies, maybe... Or dig out the leftover gumpaste from the fridge and finish making those roses. Or both!

That is really all I have to offer now, guys. Thanks for tuning in and I hope to having something must tastier to say next time!


Anonymous said...

Hello...how are you, can u give me small cut of cake :)I'm hungry...I'm sure it's very delicious....what type of cake are you burned today, Okey..i'm from egypt..just wanna say.
welcome to Egypt
Egypt from the sky
U like arabic song...Amr Diab is my favourite singer.
The most popular singer "Amr Diab"

happy said...

Hi there,

Wow! You're only 16 and you're already take baking seriously. I am actually looking for some inspirations for my wedding cake. Glad to have landed on your blog. :)