These are the times when presentation really is as important as your intro to marketing professor kept telling you, while you were nodding off, wondering why on earth you thought you could handle 8am classes because "then I'll have the whole day wide open to do whatever I want!" (like nap.)
Back to the presentation! For these pink lemonade cake balls, presentation was everything. I really didn't think they'd be that popular or terribly delicious, because I just used a basic lemon cake, a large dollop of vanilla icing (don't hate me, but I used the canned stuff! I know! I'm a terrible baker! But I only use it for cake balls, I swear.) and that fake white chocolate stuff commonly known as confectionery coating. People really like that stuff.
Especially when you find a fabulous new product at work called Flo-Coat, which allows you to use plain ol' Americolor gel colors in your chocolate. So I was able to make a fabulous hot pink color and a lemon yellow to dip the cake balls into. I was going to try adding in Lor Ann lemonade flavoring to the chocolate too, and give it a surprise twist, but I forgot to buy it.
Even so, these cake balls were such a huge hit at our mini family reunion, despite all of the popsicles, ice cream cones, gingersnaps, the cake-in-the-shape-of-a-car, the chocolate fountain... yeah, ok, my family likes sweets. I can't complain!
So I'm definitely adding this little gem to my arsenal of awesome desserts to make for people. It was a crowd pleaser, it was super, super cute looking (and note to self, and all of y'all: forks making better squiggly line makers than spoons do, if you're going to for that squiggly line look on top of your cake balls. These are technical term, guys.), and ridiculously easy to make! Gah! I love cake balls!!
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Very nice post. I not only discovered your blog, I feel like I 'got to know you'. Good luck in the challenge.
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